We invite you to experience God's love with us.
Arkport Presbyterian Church
PO Box 6 (mailing address)
15 Main St.
Arkport, N.Y. 14807
10 am Worship; Adult Ed. at 9 am
tel. - 607-295-7944
Facebook at Arkport Presbyterian Church
Pastor Bruce YouTube Channel
Rev. Bruce Incze ("Pastor Bruce")

Welcome, and thank you for visiting Arkport Presbyterian Church online. We hope that our website highlights the variety of worship, fellowship and service opportunities available. Please explore our site and you are welcome to call or visit us for more information. We would love to greet you and share with you our love for Jesus Christ and for you, our neighbor.
Our Mission
We believe that God loves each of us and wishes to express that love in a personal way that satisfies our deepest longings and blesses us, our families, and our communities. Our mission is to be fully devoted to Jesus by opening our arms to those in search of the truth and useful beauty found in God's Word and Spirit. We show God’s love and concern for our fellow creature at every opportunity. Through works of charity and opening our doors to listen and love, we try to walk in the footsteps of our Lord, Jesus Christ.
Our church offers a traditional setting for your most sacred celebration.

Services are held:
Sunday Morning services are at 10:00 AM.
Adult Sunday School is normally held in the basement at 9 am.
Special Services: In April and October, we have a Worship and Healing Service. In late December, we celebrate a Blue Christmas service. During the Passion Week we have a Maundy Thursday and Good Friday service. These services will be announced on our FaceBook page at https://www.facebook.com/arkpres.org/
Latest News
The latest news will be found by subsribing to our monthly newsletter and the Pastor's Weekly Tidbits email.​
News on up-coming events is best found on our FaceBook page which can be accessed by clicking on the blue FaceBook icon below.
We invite you to join our mailing list and receive emails we send out with monthly newsletters or Weekly Pastor Tidbits

We believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God and the normal means of grace to us. Reading the Bible helps us to have honest conversations with our loving Father. Through the Holy Spirit, the Bible reveals truth, goodness, and beauty to our hearts and minds in ways that are useful to us and others. The Word of God helps us to understand the life that Jesus modeled for us. These are some of the reasons our sermons are grounded in the Bible.